1 year 10 months 'boys to men' journey
my memories - the people
enlistment 100408
emo trip to tekong
through basics we excel BMT (100408 - 140608 )
Kestrel P4S2 in bed level: alvinchua, eddiesim, roylau the legend, me, marcus, potato-pikachu, junhong, idris, kenneth, haoting, geraldpaul, shihao
withprideilead-sispec ( 230608 - 150808 )
Juliet P2S4 in bed level: yongsheng, jeremytiong, piggylim, angyun, shaojun, veggieong, bobo anandgeorge, chenkk, me, daryl, eric, slutsong, jansonnoob
kingofthebattlefield ( 180808 - 151108 )
5th Arty Spec Course in Det level: angdingjie, chanchingsheng, julian, chenkk, desmondchoo, danielchoo, me, james, ian, ivan, clarence, kamen, jansonnoob, shiyang, jonnysilver, ngoh, zhangquan, veggieong, xinzhi, wensong, yongjun, slutsong
together we inspire ( 170808 - 090210)
Weapon Wing
3rd Arty Spec Course seniors: chinyoong, desmond, cheekong, andrew
4th Arty Spec Course seniors: weisiang, joeliao, sweesiang, shimmy the eternal legend
5th Arty Spec Course: jonnysilver, kelvintan, edmundgoh, jinkai, boonkiat, jiayi, nickolas, koonsiang
6th Arty Spec Course juniors: W.A.P, melvin, sebby, mahjong
7th Arty Spec Course juniors: edwin, benjamin, joseph
onceagunner, alwaysagunner ( 090210 - ROD)